Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I found out last week that I hadn't won the 7 peaks challenge prize.  I knew the odds were pretty low but I still had high hopes of winning an awesome trip for 2 to the Tour De France.  I'm certainly a believer that you make your own luck and although I had to climb 4 peaks to get a ticket in the draw I'd still consider winning the draw pure luck. 

On my ride home from work I started cursing at the fact that for all the competitions I've entered I've won nothing.  Why did I not having any luck what so ever.  Then I started thinking about other events in my life where I've had pure luck.  The first one that came to mind was my parents' decision to move from South Africa to Australia.  I certainly had nothing to do with that decision but would consider that to be the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me.  If I was given a choice between winning lots for prizes or moving to a place with endless opportunities I'd take the latter every time.

If anyone hears me cursing about having no luck give me a good slap.